Communication Skill is the ability to express your ideas, opinions, feelings and needs unambiguously and effectively to your audience. All of us are blessed with the power of speech, but few of us know how to use it to attain success in life. The present education system equips us with a lot of knowledge on a variety of subjects, but regrettably does not always teach us the effective use of language and communication. While appearing for job interviews, many a student has found to his chagrin that merely knowing a language is not of much help. Many of us tend to think that we are naturally proficient in our mother tongue – believe us, it’s not so. Whether it’s your mother tongue or any other language, you need to learn how to use it effectively, both in the written and spoken form. Then again, language alone doesn’t make communication; it has to be coupled with relevant content. Unless you know what to say, how will you say it? In short,
Effective communication = meaningful content +language proficiency
In a country like India, if you want to succeed in the job arena, in addition to your mother tongue, it’s imperative to know at least two other languages well, e.g., Hindi, the national language and English, the international language. Learning the Art of Communication will place you head and shoulders above others who may be good in their own subjects but cannot communicate effectively. Communication Skill provides you with that winning edge in an intensely competitive job market. When you know the what (right content) and how (language proficiency) of effective communication, it imbues you with the confidence to face the panel of interviewers or to make your mark in a Group Discussion situation.
Learning the art of Communication has its advantages at every stage of your life. There are many who have got a job on the strength of their impressive marksheets but find it very difficult to deal with clients, colleagues and superiors on account of inferior communication skills. They cannot put forward their ideas forcefully and convincingly. Simple tasks like making an inhouse presentation or presentations for the clients (PPTs), present formidable difficulties. Even when an idea is great, you need to put it across adroitly, that’s where your good communication skill will come to your aid.
The ability to communicate well help you in both personal and professional life. It paves the path for a peaceful, harmonious and happy coexistence in your personal life. In your professional life, it helps you to beat the competition, get ahead and emerge as the best of the rest.
We have been conducting Communication Skill workshops in different cities for quite a while now. The response has been very encouraging. Our 360 degree approach has not only helped the participants but also benefited us in so many ways. We look forward to many more enriching sessions in the future. In the following pages you will find photos and videos related to our workshops. If you ever feel like inviting us for conducting a communication skill workshop, do contact us. Interacting with you face to face, dear reader, will be a pleasure.
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